Third Collection on Evolving Education

Higher education has always evolved to meet societal needs, adapting to technological, economic, and cultural shifts. The escalating socio-ecological crises we face today demand a profound transformation in higher education. Climate change, social inequalities, ecological degradation, food scarcity, and social polarisation collectively threaten the stability and well-being of communities worldwide. Navigating this context requires reimagining teaching and learning practices to cultivate skills such as critical thinking, transdisciplinary collaboration, and reflexivity.

In response to this imperative, "Evolving Education: A Manifesto to Reimagine Higher Education" offers the opportunity for a bold exploration of the future of learning. Embracing critical insights from a diverse range of disciplines and perspectives, the manifesto aims to explore innovative perspectives, transformative strategies, and bold visions that can redefine the role of higher education in fostering critical thinking, justice, and societal impact. At its core, Evolving Education is a call to action - it is a manifesto that dares us to dream big, to think creatively, and to imagine a future where “education is freedom”.

We call on our community and students to delve into the pressing issues facing higher education today and share ideas for reshaping the learning landscape at universities. We invite teachers, education professionals, and students to submit abstracts for consideration in the Evolving Education Manifesto. We particularly encourage collective submissions, but individual contributions are also welcome. 

In addition to the Call for Manifestos, we will host an (online) opening event to discuss the why's and the how's of writing a manifesto. An in-person workshop will also be held for TU Delft educators, students, and alumni to collect the perspectives of our community on education. These two events are related but independent of the manifesto call and attendance is not mandatory. See important dates and links below.


16 September 2024: Opening event (details and registration)

18 September 2024: Workshop for TU Delft staff and students (details and registration)

27 September 2024: Deadline for abstract submission (details and submission)

13 December 2024: Deadline for full-length manifesto submission (details and submission)

For this collection, we partnered with the Centre for the Just City and the TU Delft Open Science programme.

The collection

16 September 2024

16h-17h (CET)

Opening Event: Why a Manifesto?

Dr. Caroline Newton

Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft

Dr. Roberto Rocco

Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft

Dr. Trivik Verma

Associate Professor, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft

Dr. Juliana Gonçalves

Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft

18 September 2024

16h-18h (CET)

27 September 2024

16h-18h (CET)