Citizens Collective

Centre for Urban Science & Policy, TU Delft

Citizens Collective is a platform that showcases rigorous science, progressive policymaking, authentic journalism, art and activism that supports shaping a world for all peoples

In collaboration with the Centre for the Just City and the TU Delft Open Science program, the Citizens Collective is launching the third collection on

A Manifesto to Reimagine Higher Education

Our Goal

We are creating a community of people who share our passion for reimagining the future of cities, where the well-being of communities is at the heart of any discussion or development. 

Join Us

Everything part of Citizens Collective is free and accessible to everyone around the world. To access the collection of [live] online talks or receive announcements for future events, join our mailing list here

Why this Collective?

We started this Collective as a dedication to those who resist oppression, who quietly establish foundations from the ground up, who devote their lives to the service of their peoples, who bring so much force and light that the entire world stands with them to build something better.

We are academics who care about designing urban spaces for and with people.  Through this Collective, we hope to foster a community of scholars, artists, activists, journalists and decision-makers who value equity and diversity and strive for justice.  

Our guests, speakers and community members are folks from diverse backgrounds who are shaping the way we think about cities, urban spaces and the world with their critical and thought-provoking work. 

To Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing, Jane Jacobs and Jane Goodall, Maya Angelou and Stacey Abrams, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr., Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the countless voices that have laid a path forward for inclusion and equity.

Adapted from the work of Sean Perez

If you are interested to participate, join the mailing list here and stay updated.

Image by CJ Dayrit on Unsplash

In collaboration with the City Science Lab at HafenCity University, the Citizens Collective is launching the second collection on

May - July, 2022

If you are interested in our first event, you can access the recordings below

Sep - Nov 2021